How do you find what you are passionate about? – Part 4
Here I am back on the topic of finding your passion – till now I have shared three questions that should help you get some ideas about what you are passionate about. These were:
1. What are the various things you are or were passionate about
2. Go back and list the moments in the past when you experienced a sense of flow; and
3. Explore the four aims of life
I hope you have found a time slot, when you are at your introspective best. For me it is early in the morning – before dawn – when I feel fresh and I spend time reading, writing, thinking and planning. For some people, their time slot is late at night -when everyone has gone to sleep – and they can relax and introspect. I hope you have a similiar time slot.
When you do this, it is best to have a pen and paper with you – jot down thoughts that come to you – and you will get answers to some of the questions listed above.
So here is the fourth set of questions that you can think about –
• What are you naturally good at?
• What do people typically ask you for help in?
• If you had to teach something – what would you teach?
Try noting down answers to these questions – it will help you figure out what you are passionate about